Soniq Music Collective from Collogne

Slider1 - Soniq

Slideraktuelles Project

Whether it’s Norwegian improvisers, Italian dance peformers, Moroccan Gnawa singers, New Yorker avantgardists, Iranian string virtuosos or Ukrainian multi-instrumentalists, the Soniq Collective – Christina Fuchs, Ramesh Shotham and Jarry Singla – invites artists from across the world to take part in fascinating projects.

"Deliberate and soulful, vigorous and full of ideas."

Westdeutsche Zeitung 02.11.2022

"The audience is drawn into the music from the first sound." 07.12.2021

"Inventiveness with exciting entries... the entire breadth of a large sound cosmos."

Westdeutsche Zeitung 02.11.2022

"Instead of academic rigor, there is a sense of adventure on stage."

Jazzeitung 09.10.2020


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